Signal21 Charts of the Week | March 22, 2024

Weekly roundup of key Bitcoin layers analytics


It’s been an exciting week in the Bitcoin Economy!

Here’s a quick roundup of noteworthy Bitcoin DeFi analytics.

Charts of the Week


Snapshot of key Stacks ecosystem tokens:

Fungible token events on Stacks have exploded in March, as memecoins continue to proliferate, and activity across core Stacks DeFi tokens (STX, ALEX, DIKO, USDA, stSTX, aBTC, xBTC) continue to increase.

Synthetic BTC supply on Stacks reached an all-time-high this week with xBTC reaching 169.8 and aBTC growing to 149.9, respectively.


StackingDAO hit a major milestone of $100M+ TVL! 👏 

At the time of this writing, StackingDAO now has 31,116,999 STX on the platform, for a TVL of $110,465,346.


Arkadiko had a MASSIVE week, including:

  1. Launch of Arkadiko 2.0 👏 

  2. New token listing on MEXC 🚀 

  3. Integration into Stacking 🤝 


ALEX has achieved an all-time-high for monthly active users—currently at 13,292 for the month of March and climbing. Read Signal21’s guest article in the OurNetwork newsletter for a deeper dive on ALEX’s exceptional growth.

Signal21 Product Update

It’s been a busy week at Signal21. We have integrated complete TVL data for Stacks and key Stack projects. Next week we will be working hard to start rolling out Bitcoin L1 data, including Ordinals.

Thanks for being part of the Signal21 Community!


Jonathan Sadlowe

Co-founder & CEO at Signal21